Saturday, 19 February 2011

Eclectic not chaotic, this assembly of random plates on the wall takes the twee tradition of putting plates on the wall and transforms it into something resembling art instead. Its requires patience and restraint to achieve this look and get it right.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Plastic bottles made into candle holders they look good here but I bet if I made one it would look terrible and I would forget about the candle and burn the bottle that would such!!! but why not cut off wine bottles to much the same effect?

Hey look all sorts of things can be made from Cans
I firs saw these in Mexico and I think they're cute and charming But having actually bought one I now know they are very prone to rusting...... Shame

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

I think this is a triumph the pull down Formica burough desk is absolutely my cup of tea.

I wasn't sure about this at first but Its really grown on me there is something a little surreal and nuts about it so I guess that's why it's something I dig.

From Junk to Jem...
Recycled and retro can it get any better than this.

My newest discovery Thomas Wold
He is also from the East Bay Where I grew up! Check out his fantastic recycled furniture Each piece is bespoke...Love love love it, so much friend I'll just have to copy it!!!

Sunday, 6 February 2011

I never ever get tired of this.......waking up in the morning to find these little green noses so full of potential waiting to greet me, I can imagine and plan and dream about where they will grow and what I shall plant them with and if these guys are really good and pretty maybe they will get to go into the show at Detling?
Cleopatra glamour made simply from bobby pins and gold string.